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Areas of Focus



        Jazz Fest at the Parrish Art Museum (Jazz Legends and Rising Stars)

        Taiji/Qigong at the Hampton Library
        Pasta Making with Judy Boshnack at RML

        Published over twenty videos for public access television as arts and culture videographer and editor.

LA Progressive

 Democrats Almost Sell Appalachia Down the Pipeline?                                                               October 19, 2022

Op-Ed piece republished

Common Dreams

Democrats Tried to Sell Appalachia Down the Pipeline                                                                 October 18, 2022  Op-Ed piece submitted         

Mac Weekly Staff Writer                                                                   

“Students decide to take leave of absence before module one begins”                                         August 28, 2020

Conducted multiple interviews, research, and wrote article

“Justin Anderson on turning trash into treasure from Hawaii to Macalester”                                      July 14, 2020

Conducted interview, research, and wrote article

Roanoke Times Opinion Piece

"Why we should go to Mars,"                                                                                                               July 20, 2017

Op-Ed companion piece requested by newspaper editorial board



Macalester College, Saint Paul, Minnesota; Phi Beta Kappa Honors Society                 Bachelor of Arts Degree, May 2023

Major: Environmental Studies, Biology; Deans List                                                                                                 GPA: 3.98

Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia                                Non-Degree student, August 2020 – May 2021

GPA: 4.0  



Videography and documentary filmaking; Volunteer programming; German fluency; Laboratory experience; Field Research; Statistics, R-studio; Spatial analysis, ArcGIS;  Google Suite; Microsoft Suite; Graphic Design, Canva; Procreate software; Photography; Social media campaign managing; Community outreach; Survey Design


Nothing to book right now. Check back soon.
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